Hi There. Welcome to Pooch Palate.
My name is Lindsay and I started Pooch Palate in 2019. The starting of this business sprouted from the love I have for pets and their well-being. I could think of no better way than supplying your dogs and cats with only the best. We are a Ballito based company and we supply our products to the North Coast of KwaZulu-Natal.
At Pooch Palate, we have sourced some of the most amazing brands that share the same vision as us. From RAW dog food, healthy pet treats to perfectly pH balanced shampoos for your dog, we stock it. We are always looking to grow our product offering, so keep your eyes open for some new products coming your way.
After feeding my own dogs RAW dog food for close to a decade, I can truly say that the difference the correct diet can make to our pets will effect they way they live. From stabilising weight, helping with skin issues to dental health and overall good nutrition, you will find what you are looking for right here with Pooch Palate.
We take our business very seriously and we love meeting our clientele face to face. Personal interaction with dogs and seeing what their requirements are is a top priority for us to ensure we get them onto the exact right diet and supplements they need.
For more information about our products or about us, please contact us directly and we are happy to assist.

Pooch Palate Story
This journey started for us in 2015 when I moved down from Johannesburg to KwaZulu-Natal. My hubby and I welcomed Harvey, our beagle, into our family and within the first month we noticed his skin started flaring up and he was constantly itchy. After what seemed like endless consults with vets and round after round of harsh medications and highly processed and refined “specialised” dog foods, we decided to try a new approach.
After a substantial amount of researching, we came across feeding pets raw. We decided to give it a try since we didn’t feel that the endless medications were the solution.
After a week or two on the raw food we started noticing a difference in Harvey. He wasn’t scratching as much, and his fur had started growing back nicely. After a month the improvement in Harvey was incredible. His itching had calmed down dramatically and managing his itching was getting so much easier.
This was the point where Pooch Palate was born. I knew that what we fed our pets makes a huge difference in their health and quality of life. I spent (and still spend) endless hours searching, researching and trying products from all over the country that I felt were the best for my customers, and for Harvey of course.
I am passionate about helping and guiding pet owners in this journey as I know how daunting it can be. Our website aims to help educate you so that making these decisions becomes more simple and less overwhelming.